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Womens vintage blouses

June 6, 2015


Wear Womens vintage blouses with a contemporary skirt, pants or shorts and you have a look. Well known vintage high street brands offer a nice change from the contemporary choices available today, and, you usually find that once the seasons over, you’re less likely to find an identical once the same night you wear it.

Choices of Womens vintage blouses

You may prefer to go upmarket and buy designer vintage, and again, if you buy vintage, you’ll get them at a more affordable price and they’ll be one offs. Even in a designer’s ready to wear collection, once it’s out of season, and its years old, you’re less likely to find someone else wearing it.

Vintage blouses - Vintage blouse

Vintage blouse

More detail less mass production with Womens vintage blouses

You’ll also find that the further back you go, the more likely you are to find Womens vintage blouses with hand painted fabric, more detailed and vibrant pictures and patterns, and more detail on the actual cut of the blouse itself. Finding good quality women’s vintage blouses is like finding pieces of art. You’re not sure whether you should wear them, or pin them up and frame them. But they’re too good to stare at, plan your search carefully, and you can have a classic vintage blouse for an evening out or for day wear you won’t seeing anyone else for miles wearing.


Iconic fabric designers

If you’re looking for Womens vintage blouses with a stand out print, then you’ll not go far wrong by looking for particular designers whose evocative, passionate and vibrant prints have been used to decorate dresses, shirts, skirts, blouses and many other household items.

We’re talking…

Cat Kidston’s floral designs are famous, Mary White who designed for household furnishings as well as clothes during the 50s and Lucienne Day, who designed fabrics for dresses as well as household furnishings.

Zandra Rhodes, Celia Birtwell

And let’s not forget Zandra Rhodes, and Celia Birtwell whose relationship with Ossie Clark led to some of the most beautiful maxi dresses of the 70s. The exquisitely designed dresses by Ossie were more than matched by Celia’s lively patterned fabrics.

With or without Ossie Clark – Birtwell’s prints are well worth a look

Her Womens vintage blouses are beautiful, shaped and with exquisite patterns. Her work with Clark for Radley is beautiful and has created some stunning blouses, but her solo work is also worthy of further research. Anything from candy flowers, swirly greens and yellows through to silk florals and more subtle detailing with spread out detailed florals on a silk pink canvas – simply stunning.

Zandra Rhodes and those eye catching colours and shapes

Zandra Rhodes is renowned for her brightly coloured designs. She not only designed her own clothes, but her own patterned fabric too. And trust me when I say, her Womens vintage blouses are stunning. Anything from the mid-70s with beautiful patterns and pussy bow necklines, through to the 80s lace and frills.

1970s Zandra Rhodes top

1970s Zandra Rhodes top

Keep your eyes peeled for unique Womens vintage blouses

When you’re seeking out Womens vintage blouses, look carefully and take your time. Check the sizing, check that the pattern will suit your skin tone and that the blouse suits your body shape. Then match the blouse with something modern, give it a fresh twist and bring it up to date with something new. You can also modernise the blouse itself with a few simple touches, either by adding a belt or rolling up the sleeves.


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Women’s Vintage blouses