Where can I buy old school vintage tracksuits from the 90s – without breaking the bank?
June 29, 2018Looking for a vintage windbreaker or a reasonably-priced Adidas tracksuit? On a tight budget and wondering where can I buy old school vintage tracksuits from the 90s? You’ve come to the right place.

vintage tracksuits from the 90s.
RickyPowell [CC BY-SA 3.0]
You’re invited to a 90s theme costume party, and all your friends will be there. The problem is, you have no idea about what vintage 90s costume to wear. You rummage through your closet, and somewhere at the back you find an old headband and a pair of 90s joggers that could go well with a vintage 90s-style Adidas jacket and pants. Your next question is: where can I buy old school vintage tracksuits from the 90s?
The challenge here is that, you can’t just walk over to Marks and Spencer, TK Maxx or Next store and buy that perfect retro-era windbreaker for men your height and built. Nor is it a sure thing that you’ll find that perfect vintage Adidas tracksuit to go with your vintage windbreaker for the costume party.
So, you’re in a dilemma and still wondering where can I buy old school vintage tracksuits from the 90s without spending hundreds of pounds on your upcoming costume party. Don’t give up yet, because we’ve got some unique ideas on where you can buy that old school tracksuit top and vintage 90s jacket for less than you think. In fact, we’ve even got one idea that can get you exactly what you want for FREE – or nearly FREE!
Do we have your attention? Read on to find out more!
Vintage tracksuits from the 90s – The search begins
Well, if you are really interested in buying that authentic old school vintage windbreaker and tracksuit, then here are few places to start your search:
- Going online, to any retailer’s store, might be a great place to start your search, including for a vintage jacket for men, or that old school windbreaker that men wore in the 1990s. If you want to pair that headband you found stashed behind in your closet, with an appropriate costume piece, most online stores allow you to search their vast collection of vintage clothing until you find what you’ve been looking for.
So, you might be asking, when I’m online, where can I buy old school vintage tracksuits from the 90s and what should I search for? The answer is: Use your imagination. Online sites usually have all of their clothing neatly categorised, and that makes your search for the perfect vintage 90s costume even easier. For instance, under the “Men’s vintage clothing” category, you’ll probably be able to find outfits for men in medium, large or small size; or you could shop by brand to locate that perfect vintage Adidas jacket or windbreaker.
So, one answer to your question: where can I buy old school vintage tracksuits from the 90s is – go online!
- While you may not get exactly what you are looking for at a general retailer online, you can hone your search for specific items, like a retro tracksuit top or a windbreaker jacket, at online stores that specialise in vintage clothing.

Jumping in tracksuits – By Kris Krug. CC BY-SA 2.0 , via Wikimedia Commons
Where to buy old school vintage tracksuits from the 90s
So, your next question might be: where can I buy old school vintage tracksuits from the 90s once I’ve located a specialised vintage clothing retailer? Well, the answer will likely depend on what type of a specialist vintage clothing retailer you are shopping at. For instance, if you are interested in pairing your Adidas headband with a vintage Adidas top, or a Nike tracksuit with a Nike windbreaker, then you should search for a retailer specialising in vintage Nike or Adidas clothing.
- But what about people that aren’t comfortable shopping online? They might still wonder where can I buy old school vintage tracksuits from the 90s without having to give my credit card data to some piece of software or BOT on a server in some foreign land?
Well, if you are one of those who look at online shopping with suspicion (and you aren’t alone!), and you still want that old school windbreaker jacket or that vintage jacket for men of your built, then you need look no further than your neighbourhood thrift store. Larger networks, run by Oxfam, the British Heart Foundation or the YMCA might be best to start your search.

Blue17 vintage clothing outlet
Thrift and charity stores
For instance, if you already own a tracksuit top, and want to pair it with something vintage-looking for your 90s costume party, start your search down the 1990s isle of your local thrift store or Charity shop. It might be a good idea to take your top along with you, so you can match and try on something you find – perhaps a matching Adidas tracksuit pants?
Most thrift store owners will immediately be able to steer you to the right place if you ask them where can I buy old school vintage tracksuits from the 90s. However, even if you don’t have someone assisting you, if you know the vintage 90s piece of clothing you are looking for, you can just browse down the racks and you’re sure to find a matching item.
- If, after you try the thrift store, you’re still left wondering where can I buy old school vintage tracksuits from the 90s at a reasonable cost, then all’s not lost – yet! You may still be able to find a perfect match for that vintage Adidas windbreaker or jacket – without actually breaking the bank!

Blue17 vintage store interior
Search nearby vintage clothing outlets
All you need to do is search for specialty vintage clothing outlets nearby, and look for stores that offer the types of outfits you are interested in. If it’s a 1990s windbreaker for men that you are looking for, there’s no use searching for it at a store that specialises in 1950s or 1960s retro fashion.
To get a decent bargain on a specific piece of clothing you are looking for, for instance a vintage windbreaker to go with your Adidas tracksuit, you may need to do some travelling. If your specialty vintage store in Birmingham doesn’t offer what you are looking for, chances are that a retro store in London might have the exact jacket of vintage origin to pair with the piece that you already have. By the time you’ve visited a few shops across several cities, chances are that you won’t be asking where can I buy old school vintage tracksuits from the 90s anymore. You’ll already have found what you are looking for!
Vintage tracksuits from the 90s – One of A Kind” stores
- If you can’t find that ideal jacket for men in your size anywhere, and you’re now wondering how you can pair that vintage 90s tracksuit with the perfect top, there may be yet another source you might try! For those that have looked everywhere and are still wondering where can I buy old school vintage tracksuits from the 90s, here’s a long-shot.
You could look through any of dozens of “One of A Kind” stores – both online and in your neighbourhood. If you aren’t too picky about how worn out that Adidas jacket looks, or don’t care too much for the fact that it’s a size too large for you, then you might be pleasantly surprised at what treasures your visit to “One of A Kind” stores might unearth.
For example, if you are shopping for a vintage 90s costume party, do you really care that the off-white Adidas tracksuit doesn’t fit well with the snow-white vintage Adidas jacket you already found online? The colours aren’t a perfect match, but at a costume party, no one will notice. It’s all about dressing-up and having fun anyway!
One of A Kind shops hold unique promise for anyone thinking, where can I buy old school vintage tracksuits from the 90s without blowing my budget. However, the only catch to shopping there is choice – or rather, the limited nature of it! Because these clothing items come from a wide range of sources, you may have to settle for a costume with a tracksuit for men of medium size, while pairing it with a matching windbreaker jacket of a larger fit. There’s no guarantee that various items of your costume will match to the tee!
Vintage tracksuits from the 90s – Trading and bartering
Some of us wondering where can I buy old school vintage tracksuits from the 90s without at little cost, might have still other avenues to tap. If you have a large network on social media sites like Facebook or Twitter, and you are looking for that special retro tracksuit top to go with a vintage outfit you are putting together, you might want to make your request known to your social media friends.
Sometimes, you’ll be amazed at how many people are in a quest similar to yours, but who might have what you are looking for in exchange for what you might be willing to part with. For instance, a social media contact with an Adidas jacket and a vintage windbreaker, might be willing to swap one of those items for that extra Adidas tracksuit you said you had.
Usually, since such exchanges are taking place between friends of friends who know friends online, they often cost you little or nothing – perhaps some postage and shipping! By just putting out your request for a windbreaker for men of your height and medium built, you could quickly get in touch with someone that needs a tracksuit top matching your dimensions – made for men of medium built! Since you both have something the other needs, a social media-initiated barter deal can quickly be consummated at little or no cost.
Shop 90s Tracksuits