The Art of Finding The Perfect Vintage 80s Clothing for Sale
August 22, 2018Looking for vintage clothes? Finding vintage 80s clothing for sale might not be as simple as just a walk to a thrift store. You need careful planning to get what you want!
It’s fun to take a trip downtown on a hunt for vintage 80s clothing for sale. Half of the thrill is in not knowing what you’ll find. And that’s precisely the danger – NOT getting what you were looking for!

1980s clothing photo ad
A Note To Our Readers: Before we begin exploring the joys of going hunting for vintage clothing, a word about getting the best experience on our website is in order. We have designed this website to deliver you an enhanced level of viewing experience, and to do that we use cookies to ensure you enjoy your stay here.
Plan Before You Hunt
Before we begin, let’s face it: Vintage lovers aren’t the run-of-the-mill shoppers. They love vintage clothing because it has a certain nostalgia associated with a particular period. It is the ambiance of that period that they are trying to recreate, and they do this by wearing vintage era clothing.
Whichever way you look at vintage aficionados, it’s always fun going shopping with friends, isn’t it? But there’s an added layer of mystique and magic when it comes to looking for vintage 80s clothing for sale. And here’s why:
- Firstly, because it’s “vintage” that you are looking for, it’s bound to be rare and hard to find – and that adds to the thrill of the search
- Next, when you do find something that catches your eyes, it’s probably something that no one else out there has – and that makes it worth the time spent!
- But lastly, and most importantly, the idea of possessing something that belongs to a vintage era that you admire, gives the thrill of the “search” added meaning
Vintage 80s clothing for sale – Plan out your foray
While going out on a “hunt” for vintage 80s clothing for sale might seem a fun thing to do, you may not be too pleased with the results that you end up getting. Unless you plan out your foray, any of two scenarios are likely to occur:
- After all the trouble you go through, you may end up not finding anything that you would like to buy!
- More disappointing however would be a situation where you buy something that you really didn’t want to own in the first place!
Either of these two situations can unfold, more often unwittingly, when you venture unplanned, looking for vintage 80s clothing for sale. The trick to getting what you really want, and in finding what you are looking for, is to plan your trip before you leave home. Without a clear plan, especially if you go shopping with a group of friends, you’re more likely to be swayed by emotions – and that could lead to an unfulfilling shopping foray!
Vintage 80s clothing for sale – Essentials of Planning
So, are you ready to unleash your inner hunting skills to track down and own the vintage fashions that you truly are in search of? Well, we’ll give you the hunting experience on our website like you won’t find anywhere else – guaranteed!
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Step 1: Vintage 80s clothing for sale – Know what you want
Knowing what you are looking for, when looking for vintage 80s clothing for sale, is the first rule of success. Typically, 80s vintage clothing come in wide varieties and ranges and sub-styles, and you need to know what you want before you start looking for it:
- Is it a minimalist look you are aiming for?
- Do you want something Preppy?
- Is it the Aerobics Craze that you are infatuated with?
- Or are you into Power Dressing?
Many 80s vintage lovers make the cardinal mistake of just setting a date to go shopping – and then they just do it! And that’s where impulse buying and the “morning after regret” kicks in. If you didn’t know what you wanted, to begin with, then how do you know you’ve found it?

80s style clothing. Photo credit-photo vanova
Step 2: Manage your expectations
When you normally go out shopping at the mall, perhaps to buy a dress or an outfit for a special event, you are looking for the very best of items – that’s a given. But going hunting for vintage 80s clothingfor sale at a thrift store is a totally different experience. And that’s why you need to manage your expectations:
- When you walk into a thrift store, don’t expect to find everything neatly lined up and stacked – like you might find at high-end shops
- Expect to find things in the most “unexpected” of places. You may find the most lovable of 80s style jumpsuits, hanging side-by-side with a Thatcherite blue Power blazer! Two totally different 80s style clothes – but they could find their way besides each other. That’s part of the charm of going vintage clothes hunting!
- You may think: I’m paying for this – I deserve better! Humm…Not really! While you may be this picky at your regular store, vintage stores aren’t meant for “pickiness!”. If there’s a particular piece that you love – for instance an 80s style turtleneck or trench coat – don’t expect it to be in mint condition. A loose button here, or a thread hanging out there – Just be thankful it’s hanging in one piece!
Success, when hunting for vintage 80s clothing for sale, is about knowing what you want, and then settling for the best closest thing that you find matching what you are looking for.
Step 3: Do your diligence
If you are shopping for something to wear at an upcoming 80s style vintage costume party, or an 80s ball event, make sure you do your diligence before wearing the garments:
- Does it pass the smell test? Most vintage 80s clothing for sale have likely been hanging on the hangars or laying on the shelves for a while. They’ll probably smell a bit musky or have a “stale” odour. Nothing that a gentle dry clean won’t cure!
- Likewise, it pays to do an end-to-end inspection of the entire garment, especially on the inside. Look for visible damage or tear’s. Due to the age of the garments, expect to see some damage caused by moths and insects. As long as the defects aren’t overly concerning, you could fix them with some darning or stitching
- The most important thing to check for is zippers and buttons. For instance, if the zipper of that 80s leather jacket only closes half-way up, you likely won’t have a very pleasant experience wearing it. So too with a pair of stone-washed vintage 80s jacket – if the buttons are missing or broken, it just won’t do!
Applying diligence on vintage 80s clothing for sale means taking a good hard look at the garment, and then understanding whether the shortfalls are something you can live with. Diligence also means you know in advance, before you buy it or wear it, that there are some shortcomings that you either live with or fix!
Step 4: The acid test!
There’s no better test than the “wear” test, to confirm that you’ve found the 80s vintage clothing of your choice. Unless you try it on for size, you’ll never know if you’ve found what you are looking for:
- Before trying on the garment, make sure you are in a position to verify the results of the try. Are you in front of a full-length mirror? Do you have a friend (or five!) that can look at it once you’re wearing it, and give judgement?
- Another important aspect of the “trial” is to make it as realistic as possible. Are you wearing other add-on pieces, undergarments or accessories that you’re likely to usually wear with this 80s vintage piece? Can this item fit with other wardrobe pieces you might have at home?
- Cut the garment some slack! By that I mean, if it’s a tad bit too tight around the waist, see if there’s some slack there that you could potentially loosen. If it’s a bit short, can you undo some part of the hem to get it to fit?
When trying on vintage 80s clothing for sale, remember one very important fact: These are likely to be extremely fragile items of clothing. The least bit of strain or tension could rip them apart and ruin the entire garment. So, try with care!
Having Fun – That’s what it’s all about!
Our 4-step planning process will ensure that you find the right pieces when looking for vintage 80s clothing for sale. However, remember – the most important aspect of the hunt is having fun! So, plan your hunt first, and then go and enjoy yourself as you try different 80s vintage clothes and looks. If you stick to the plan, you’re bound to find what you’re after!
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