The stories of recycled vintage clothing stores North London
January 29, 2024Wearing vintage clothing is a way to use your imagination, to play, and to communicate a message at the same time. It’s no wonder that you are looking for what recycled vintage clothing stores North London have to offer. Who knows what those clothes have seen, the parties they’ve been to or strange things they’ve heard? Well, no-one, since they can’t really tell you, but let’s be ready to start telling a new story.
The Story of a Summer’s Day
My favourite kind of story, and one that doesn’t come around too often in Britain. For this you will need a floaty dress, a picnic basket, and a cardigan, just to be on the safe side. The very best vintage summer dresses, in my opinion, are from the 1930s up to the 1970s.
1930’s dresses, if you can get them, are divine. The 30s were a time of frills and flounces, and exaggerated femininity. It was also a time when tea dresses were regularly worn, so although they will be around 100 years old, there’s still a few about. Fabrics like silk, chiffon, and crepe de chine are perfect for a summer’s day. And I can guarantee you’ll make an impression, plus nobody at all will have the same outfit. No-one.
Interestingly, 1930s style also had a resurgence in the 1970s. So if you cannot find an original 1930s frock, or if they are too damaged to be worn, try something from the romantic era of the 70s. They were often made of man-made fabrics, so have lasted better (plus are a little younger). But they were heavily inspired by past times, so still have that delicate, wafty appeal.
Recycled Vintage Clothing Stores North London – The Story of a Trip to the Art Gallery
Do you like to go to the art gallery on your own or with friends? Or on a date? A date at the art gallery can be dangerous ground. What if you find out that your beloved skips through all the paintings in next to no time, and then spends just as much time in the shop at the end, selecting an eraser? What if they linger for hours and hours, closely examining each image, while you end up staring out of the window? If you say “I’ll meet you in the cafe”, they are bound to object. And when you get to the cafe, what if they have a lot to say about everything, while you have nothing? Or vice versa? Well, you should consider that such a gentle occupation could have fraught implications for your relationship.
And What to Wear?
In any case, you should at least dress the part. Please be artistic yet practical. Colour is an important consideration. Do: match your socks to your hat. But not necessarily your scarf. Consider a palette of blues. If the exhibition has already opened, view the preview images. Select a painting. Split it into its dominant Pantone shades. Exactly match those shades in your garments. This is where recycled vintage clothing stores North London while certainly come in handy. Where else will you find such a choice of colours? Now stand in front of your painting of choice and make sure that your date takes really flattering pictures of you, from the right angles. If they successfully accomplish this without a sigh, or rushing you, you’ll know they are the One.

These women made no attempt whatsoever to match the paintings, therefore belying my suggestion. However, they do look nice. Image via Flickr, copyright free. It’s the opening of a a Croatian Art Exhibition at European Central Ban, and credit remains with the author.
The Story of a Winter’s Night
Contrary to many Christmas stories, winter’s nights are not the most jolly of scenes. It’s damp, it’s cold, and if it is neither you can’t enjoy the unseasonable mildness without worrying about global warming. However, you can change that around by becoming the person in a signature hat. Red is good. How about a signature scarlet beret? You can be known as the Girl/Lady/Man/Person in the Red Hat, the one with the ready smile who brightens everyone’s day as you travel home on that crowded bus. Most people will smile back, it won’t be sinister, it will be nice. And the best part is, if you don’t feel like smiling, you can just leave the hat at home and nobody will recognise you. Now you know what I’m going to say… Red berets are available in every good Recycled Vintage Clothing Stores North London.
The Story of a Dog Walk
Dog walks are not something you can really get dressed up for. I’ve been a dog companion for eight years now, and every time, rain or shine, if I think I’m wearing the right thing that also looks a trifle chic, I’m wrong. You just need to wear something practical that won’t show the mud.
On wettest of rainy days or the driest of summer’s days, there is mud. Mud on the hem of your trousers, mud on your shoes. Mud on your lap when you sat down and your little furry darling decided to join you. But of course, furry darling doesn’t sit on the bench next to you. It’s cold! She chooses your lap. Mud on your thighs where the larger furry darling jumped up. And even mud on the back of your knees. Where does that come from? Dunno. And if not mud, it’s fur. You’ll get an extra furry jumpers, You’ll get stray hairs in your lapel. And also, dog treat crumbs in your pockets. And as well as all that, if you’re very very unlucky, dog slobber.
Recycled Vintage Clothing Stores North London for Dog Walking Outfits
So bearing all this mind, I heartily recommend finding your dog walking outfits second hand. They will be getting, as illustrated, truly dirty anyway. And you’ll need layers, like a warm jumper that can be stripped off when you get hot running round after the ball that the dog doesn’t lift a paw too. You need an anorak that can be packed away, because you’ll set out in sunshine and then suddenly it’s raining. And good luck holding an umbrella and a lead at the same time. You will also need a good bum bag, because when you’re bending down to clip leads on a shoulder bag it will inevitably swing around and clonk a doggie on the head. Now, where to find all this essential kit? Recycled Vintage Clothing Stores North London.
You’ll find a treasure trove of vintage items and designer pieces including pre loved clothes and accessories in a few minutes walk in charity shop, on most high streets.
Great vintage shops in London can be found in Covent garden, Portobello Road, Brick Lane, East London. Some names to watch out for include Nordic Poetry, Mero Retro, Paper Dress Vintage, or try car boot sales.