It’s time to consider these five top 70s outfits for your wardrobe
January 30, 2018Despite nearly half a century having gone by, as a contemporary fashion trend, you may still want to take a closer look at these five top 70s outfits for your wardrobe21st century catwalks all over the globe have imitated them, and contemporary designers are unashamedly reinventing them in their own image. Is it time for you to now consider these five top 70s outfits for your wardrobe?
Five Top 70s outfits Retro Style Comeback
The 70’s was an era where fashion truly embraced real life. From Punk to Glam Rock, and from Hippie-wear to Power Dresses, fashion style of the 1970’s evolved by giving individuals what popular culture of the time demanded. And even though a lot of water has passed under the 70’s fashion bridge, many an iconic fashion trend from that era are making a comeback.
Here are five top 70s outfits for your wardrobe, and ideas on how you might make them work!
Wide Leg Pants

Lars Jacob et al & fashions in San Diego, 1971.
C. Erik Ridderstedt for LJP [Public domain]
As one of the items from our five top 70s outfits for your wardrobe, the wide leg pant is comfortable and “airy” to wear. Best of all, even with the high-waisted designs, with vertical stripes, your wide leg trousers will make your legs look longer and give your figure just that extra bit of lift.
Five top 70s outfits – Turtlenecks

Turtleneck sweater [1], Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons
A staple at 1970s junior high dances and college events across the nation, the turtleneck evolved from utilitarian workwear to a fashion style icon in its own rights. Back then, you could see young women and teens wearing their cropped turtlenecks under a pair of boyfriend overalls. It was comfortable streetwear that was fashionable too. 70’s feminist Gloria Steinhem turned the turtleneck into a fashion trend that still rocks on even today.
Still wondering about the turtlenecks relevance on our list of five top 70s outfits for your wardrobe? Ask fans of Apple founder Steve Jobs. His iconic turtleneck “nerdy” look has revived the interest of this garment and made it relevant for this decade.
Five top 70s outfits – Denim Skirts

Londrea, unknown & Robyn, taken at a Karaoke.
Photo from, CC BY-SA 2.5 , via Wikimedia Commons
Denim wear has been a favourite of men and women across all ages. From jeans and jackets, to hats and overalls, clothes and accessories made from Denim have stood the test of time. It’s no wonder then that the Denim skirt of the 1970s became an irreversible fashion trend that is still as relevant today as it was nearly 50 years ago!
But the simple Denim skirt of your middle school years isn’t what’s in vogue today. Today, women prefer the high-waisted version, which pairs well with heeled booties and a cropped sweater to go.
Fitted Ribbed Tops
Much like today, the 70s placed a lot of focus on trim, fit and athletic bodies. So, when it came to showing off the perfect figure or a pair of well-toned abs, retro style fitted ribbed tops were the perfect garments to bring out the best in men and women. It just so happened that knitting technology of that time was at hand to help propel the ribbed top into our list of five top 70s outfits for your wardrobe.
Remember, the ribbed top fashion style was never about flashing a lot of skin. It was more about letting the cuts highlight your body. To pull off that cool 70’s retro look today, consider pairing your ribbed top with a pair of wide-legged trousers or jeans. Finish off the ensemble with a ribbed collared top or shirt.
Suede Is Back!
Anyone that took even the remote bit of interest in the 70s fashion trend, will remember fondly the role of Suede in the wardrobes of both men and women. From jackets and coats, to skirts and capes – you just couldn’t get enough of Suede. You even had caps, hats and bags made from Suede as 70s fashion style accessories.
Suede is back, and is a must have as one of the five top 70s outfits for your wardrobe. One tip to pull off that Suede-loving look today: Try finding a pair of Suede pants that has pleated details. That’ll maintain a structured bottom while the Suede wears in.
The Unforgettable 1970s Fashion Style
The 70s is a time made unforgettable by legends like Bianca Jagger, Cher and Joni Mitchell, all of whom left an indelible impression of the fashion style of that period. And even men designers, like Roy Halston Frowick, played their part in leaving behind 70’s fashion trend legacies – like the Jersey halter and minimalist draped gown.
And while memorable moments like Diane Von Furstenberg’s 1970s wrap dress made headlines all over the world, other more timeless fashion statements were born during the 70s – many of whom have stayed and evolved over time.
Our five top 70s outfits for your wardrobe have all stood the test of time. The 70s was an era of psychedelic prints, tightly-fit tops, high-waisted pants and flaring bells. In suggesting five fashion ideas from that decade, we’ve tried to spark your imagination of what you can do with the bare minimum. Whether it’s a costume party that you are planning to attend, or a school reunion that you want to get dressed up for – these 5 ideas can form the base for something unforgettable from the past!
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