Where can I buy original 80s clothing for men and women?
May 23, 2018I love wearing high waisted jeans, leather jackets, leggings and parachute pants to recreate the eighties – So, where can I buy original 80s clothing for men and women?
I believe the eighties were a fun time for fashion conscious men and women. High waisted pants, miniskirts, leather biker jackets and neon coloured track suits are my favourites. But I’d like to know where can I find men’s and women’s clothes?
Read on to find out!
A world of 80s fashion awaits you!
If you are an ardent 80s lover, and keen on preserving the fashion trend from that era, then you are probably on the look out for places where you can buy your favourite 80s outfits. Whether you are a man or a woman, 80s fashion was more than just high waisted pants and fleece-lined jackets.
A lot of your well-loved fashion pieces might not be readily on display at your local mall or popular clothing outlets. So, you’re probably asking yourself: Where can I buy original 80s clothing for men and women? Well, the answer is: Pretty much everywhere!
Buy original 80s clothing for men and women

Three women shopping in an 1980s mall.
Cameron Butler, CC BY-SA 4.0, via Wikimedia Commons
There’s a wide world of 80s fashion out there waiting for you. If you just look, you’ll be able to recreate almost any 80s fashion trend that tickles your fancy. From multicoloured silk blouses and polka dot tops, to high waisted jeans and Corduroy pants – you can buy any of these and more. So, if you are wondering: where can I buy original 80s clothing for men and women? Read on and we’ll tell you!
where can I buy original 80s clothing for men and women online – Safe shopping online
If you are like many 80s fashionistas, then finding the odd high waisted trouser or that knitted cardigan might not quench your thirst for 80s fashion. You’ll probably want more – much more than that, for sure! And the one place that you can find exactly what you want is online!
Well, I hear you asking: Where can I buy original 80s clothing for men and women online?
All you need to do is pull up your browser and key in “original 80s clothing”, and you’ll find dozens of sites offering you what you want. Almost every fashion trend that was popular during the eighties, can be found online today. From fingerless gloves and Members Only Jackets, to stretch-stirrup pants, high waisted jeans and oversized tops.
Of course, going online and falling in love with a particular fashion trend listed there is one thing. Knowing whether to buy it or not is a different story. And now I hear you asking: Where can I buy original 80s clothing for men and women online – that’s safe?

80s batwing dress.
jeanne, Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons
Here are some guidelines for buying original 80s clothing for men and women online:
• Make sure the site belongs to a reputable distributor or retailer. Buying a pair of high waisted 80s slacks from a site like MarieClaire.Co.UK might be okay – because you recognise and trust that name. However, if it’s a site that you’ve never shopped at before, do some more digging before you shop!
• If you are asking where can I buy original 80s clothing for men and women securely online, then the answer is – look at the URL. Most sites today are “secure”, but don’t shop anywhere that has a URL that doesn’t start with “https” – that last “s” indicating “secure”
• And finally, if you’re wondering where can I buy original 80s clothing for men and women online, without having to worry if the clothes fit me or not? Well, my advice to you is: No matter what 80s fashion trend you are in love with, if you think the item suits you, check out the site’s return policy first – even BEFORE you start shopping. Because online shopping doesn’t allow you to try that high waisted pant before you buy it, you need to be certain how to return before you buy!
Online shopping can be as stressful as shopping in stores at the mall. However, search sites like Finder.Com/UK might help you answer your question, but still have plenty of choice. Just remember to keep our three “safe shopping online” guidelines in mind!
Buy original 80s clothing for men and women – Shopping in-store
If you are like many of us, who loves the smell, touch, feel and sight of clothes before buying, and are wondering where can I buy original 80s clothing for men and women, then you have lots of choice there too! But, just as with online shopping, whether its high waisted pants, leather jackets, parachute track suits, or any other 80s fashion trend you are shopping for, you need to know the rules:
• Look for a reputed retailer
• Preferably, shop at a chain store outlet
• Choose a shop or mall that’s closer to where you live, shop or work – just in case you need to make multiple trips (or take a rain check!) to get what you want
• Don’t hesitate to ask a sales person for help
So, I hear you asking: wondering where can I buy original 80s clothing for men and women by walking in and browsing through the aisles? Luckily, you have lots of options there too!
• Take a trip to your local thrift store or Goodwill distribution centre
• Find a vintage fashion trend store that specialises in clothing from the 80s and 90s. If it’s an 80s fad that you are after, like the iconic high wasted pants, then you’re more likely to find it here, than at a retro store that specialises in clothing from earlier periods
• Snoop around party dress shops in your neighbourhood. You’ll be surprised at how many of them carry clothes from the 80s!
Successful vintage 80s clothing shopping
So, now that you we’ve answered your question: where can I buy original 80s clothing for men and women in-store, it’s time you learned a few “tricks” for shopping wisely at the store you’ve picked.
The secret to successful in-store shopping is: Try before you buy! If that high waisted pair of jeans doesn’t fit you once you bring it home, you’re likely going to have to take it back. But ONLY if you return it BEFORE the return date.
And that’s where tip#2 comes in. Ask about the return policy before you walk out the store!
Happy shopping, everyone!
Shop 1980s clothing now