5 practical ideas to buy 80s fashion online UK
June 3, 2018If it’s fashion inspiration you want – from fancy dress ideas to 80s costume getup’s and more – these ideas on how to buy 80s fashion online UK are imaginative and low-priced too!
80s fashion may have been a long time ago, but the thirst to buy 80s fashion online UK is so great, that it keeps that decade’s fashion alive.
![By Alan Light (CostumesUploaded by SunOfErat) [CC BY 2.0 (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/2.0)], via Wikimedia Commons By Alan Light (CostumesUploaded by SunOfErat) [CC BY 2.0 (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/2.0)], via Wikimedia Commons](https://www.blue17.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/2018/06/80s-fancy-dress-Costumes_1118158480.jpg)
By Alan Light (CostumesUploaded by SunOfErat) [CC BY 2.0 ] 80s fancy dress Costumes, via Wikimedia Commons
80s fashion – Go big or go bust!
Fashion “minimalism” is the buzz word on today’s runways and red-carpet events. But 80s fashion was very different. Back then, if you were invited to a fancy dress party, or you needed to dress-up in your favourite 80s costume – chances are that you wouldn’t spare the effort. 80s fashion “maximalism” was definitely in the air – BIG TIME!
Big bright colours, big shoulders inflated with big shoulder pads, and plenty of big fashion statements. That was the 80s for you! And guess what? Have you been to a concert lately and noticed what your favourite pop star was wearing? It would definitely have been a wardrobe piece from the 80s!
The Big, Bold, Sensational 80s fashion look is making a comeback. From that colourful leg warmer, to the printed 80s t shirt, it’s back in vogue again today. Thanks to celebrities and fashion icons, men and women are once again going crazy for 80s costume pieces to dress up in. The sheer variety of clothes to buy 80s fashion online UK wide is helping to push that craving for everything 80s.

80s leg warmers, Skirt and tights. BeauBazar, CC BY 2.0, via Wikimedia Commons
The 80s Leg Warmer
If you walked into a glitzy boutique store in East London and asked to buy a leg warmer – you’d probably be stared at funny! These are relics from the 80s, and it is just one piece of 80s fashion to buy online in UK. If you were anyone back in the 80s – from school girl to working mom – you’d probably have a leg warmer for every outfit in your closet. So, what were they like? Well, think of them as your most comfy pair of socks – only footless! The leg warmer craze was one of the most prolific moments in 80s fashion history. Which brings us to yet another item of 80s fashion to buy online UK.
Buy 80s fashion online UK – 80s fancy dress costumes
Once again, this piece of iconic fashion from the 80s isn’t readily available at Harrods, Mayfair or Covent Garden. Fancy dress costumes from the 80s are however available online – if you know where to look. And…they are still unbelievable practical to wear at any 80s costume event – even today!
If you were invited to an 80s-themed party, you could probably get off with some power dressing choices. The Thatcherite blue navy blazer and business-like skirt is still an icon of 80s fashion that will never get old. However, if you really want to turn heads, why not dress like an 80s pop star and be the centre of attention?
Buy 80s fashion online UK party wear
If you are looking for 80s fashion to buy online UK for a costume party, then the Material Girl look is what you should aim for – you just can’t go wrong! Back then, Madonna was turning heads with her multi-coloured leg warmer, outrageously short skirt and plenty of beads and accessories. Even today, you’ll see her dust off a piece of 80s fashion and come on stage wearing her underwear as outerwear, and hyper-mini dresses over leggings.
But if you are really pressed for time and can’t be bothered to search for inspiration to buy 80s fashion online UK, then don’t lose hope! A simple DIY approach to 80s fashion can prepare you for your fancy dress event and save the day for you.
Just reach back into your closet – way, way back, and pull out that 80s T shirt that you’ve been meaning to give away to the Thrift shop. Just take a pair of scissors to it, and then cut to expose your belly; dawn on a pair of well-worn jeans and any old pair of sneakers – and you’re back in the 80s! Creating an 80s costume CAN be that easy!
Buy 80s fashion online UK – 80s-woman power
While the modern woman is liberated and free, there’s one ceiling that’s she’s yet to break through – the Glass Ceiling. 80s power dressing empowered women all across the UK to take their destiny in their own hands. If you are looking for that quintessential 80s fashion icon worn by Maggie Thatcher, then you might not have lots of luck shopping for it in-store.
Online websites are replete with 80s power dressing ideas. The “I mean business” suits that epitomized 80s-woman power aren’t to be found in high-fashion retail shops. It’s yet another item to search thrift and vintage stores to buy 80s fashion online UK.
Of course, today’s power dressing is world’s-apart from what was in vogue back in the 80s. The classic dark suit of today supports an open front blazer and a longer cut pointed hem. This is vintage 80s power dressing made contemporary!
Shopping 80s online
Whether it’s for a fancy dress occasion, or for something more formal, there’s a wide choice to buy 80s fashion online UK. With so much competition in the online retailing space, you’ll be amazed at the awesome, unbelievable deals you can get.
Shopping for 80s fashion online can be fun, but you need to shop smart! Whether you are a power dressing fan, or someone that loves to put on an 80s costume every now and then and party with friends like a pop star – the rules are really simple:
Shop at reputable stores. Check out their privacy policy. And always…always understand their return policy. With so much variety to buy 80s fashion online UK, there’s bound to be something that’s just right for you. You just need to be smart about finding it!