Get 80s clothes for sale cheap in The UK And Never Have to Worry About Fits!
October 25, 2018How often have you tried finding the right UK size clothes to fit you – without luck? Now you can buy 80s clothes for sale cheap in the UK without wondering if they’ll fit you!
Why bother shopping half-way around the globe when you can get all styles of 80s clothes for sale cheap from UK stores?
Anyone who has lived through 80s fashion, will recall (fondly!) that the eighties were a time when fashion did a complete U-turn from the previous decade. In a complete departure from what used to be “hip” in the late 1960s and the 70s, we saw tighter UK size trousers and looser tops and shirts become fashionable. Styled hair-dos were common, often crimped, permed or teased, and very voluminous.
It was a time where you could easily source 80s clothes for sale cheap at UK outlets and malls, and get exactly what you were looking for. But what about today? Can you really get cheap UK size clothing easily – without having to go online half-way around the world? Or do you have to shop at exotic foreign-owned stores that don’t even carry UK size clothing anymore?
80s style clothes for sale cheap at UK outlets
The answer is: No…you don’t really need to “shop foreign”, and you don’t need to jump online and buy from overseas anymore. Everything 80s that you need can be sourced from UK-based outlets, or online from reputed UK suppliers.
Here are some real 80’s style fashion deals that you should consider – either in-store at your local retailer, or at the UK-based online stores:

Vintage T-shirt, Red Hair.
Jamie, CC BY-SA 2.0, via Wikimedia Commons
T-Shirts To Smile About
Remember those casual T-Shirts that everyone in the 80s wore? You couldn’t help but stop a while to read what they said – and then walk on with a chuckle! They literally made your day. Well, guess what? “Smiley T-Shirts” are back with a vengeance. You can source them in UK size at almost any vintage store. If you and a group of friends are planning to attend a retro music or dance festival, then the “Smiley T-Shirts” are exactly what you want to wear.
The best thing is that you don’t need to ship them all the way from the U.A or Canada and pay exorbitant shipping charges! You could do a quick search for 80s clothes for sale cheap on UK websites too, and you’re sure to find a wide range of these 80’s style tees – in different colours, shapes and any UK size you can think of.

Oslo Pride parade 2015
“I love daddy bear” T shirt.
GGAADD, CC BY-SA 2.0, via Wikimedia Commons
Tees To Love For!
And while we’re talking Tees – how about those 80’s “I Love ‘heart’” tees that teens and young women loved to wear. Back then, it was hard not to notice these one-shoulder outfits at malls and shopping areas across the UK. Available in a wide range of UK size designs and shapes, the Pink or Black were the most popular colours, with “I Love The 80’s” plastered all over them.
If you are thinking of attending an 80’s style fancy dress party, or simply planning on an 80’s reunion of old friends who share the love for that decades’ fashion – then these are the tees that you’ll love! Instead of scouring far and wide for your perfect piece, for you can find 80s clothes for sale cheap on UK websites like Amazon.Co.UK, or simply head down to your nearest local Vintage store and check out the 80’s fashions and styles section. You’ll be glad you did!

Kim wilde onstage. Ralf Roletschek [GFDL], from Wikimedia Commons
Go Wild With Kim Wilde
As an 80’s kid in the UK, surely you’ll recall the Kim Wilde craze? Her stripy tops became her signature outfit, and even today they can be found anywhere there are 80s clothes for sale cheap in the UK – either from online retailers or in a specialist vintage store. In fact, the story goes that Kim didn’t even own that signature Dennis the Menace top – it was her friends, who got it from a Charity store!
If you want to go wild with the perfect Kim Wilde look – it’s really easy. You can get the perfect UK size top if you walk into a thrift store or any local vintage shop. Look for a piece that has a neckline that’s high-cut.
Wouldn’t it be cool to source that gorgeous blue and black strip top Kim is seen in, posing in that now iconic Gold Disc portrait? You could probably find one just like that in any local vintage store selling 80s clothes for sale cheap in the UK. Be warned though – legend has it that Kim really didn’t wear that exact top to pose in. Some suspect the studio hacks did a bit of a “hack job” to create that blue/black image against the golden disc! Either way – you’ll look cool in something like that from your local vintage shop or from a UK-based online retailer.

Huge Rubrik cube sculpture. By Innovart [CC BY-SA 4.0], from Wikimedia Commons
Putting It All Together
Either of these three ideas can easily be put together with just a little imagination. But to pull it off, you need to make sure that the look you finally create doesn’t look like it doesn’t belong here – it needs to blend! So how do you put it all together and pull it off?
You could easily buy complete outfits in a specific UK size, and wear them for your special occasion. That means you buy a top and a dress, or matching trousers to go with it. This would be the “safe” way of pulling it off. Or, since 80s style clothing is really timeless, you could probably even mix and match any of these pieces with something contemporary from your wardrobe.

Beige Members Only Jacket
80s clothes for sale cheap in The UK at thrift stores
If you aren’t too fussy, and really want your outfits to look authentic, then you can source your 80s clothes for sale cheap at UK thrift stores – instead of buying them from high-end retailers. These preloved pieces inspected thoroughly, for any obvious signs of wear and tear or damage, long before they hit the hangars and shelves. Available in most any UK size, these pre-owned outfits are usually laundered, pressed and made presentable before being put on sale.
To put it all together, you could take pieces from your current wardrobe and walk by the 80s isle, and carefully match it against what you see, making sure it all hangs well once you wear them together. In most cases, when you buy these 80s clothes for sale cheap at UK charity shops and vintage stores, they’ll fit perfectly. That’s because most of them are tailored to UK size specifications.
And even if they aren’t a perfect fit, you could altar hem here, or tuck in a waist there, and still pull off that perfect 80’s vintage look. And best of all, even after the simple nips and tucks, your 80’s outfit will come under budget, compared to sourcing it from outside the UK – guaranteed!
Buying 80s clothes for sale cheap from The UK
Sure, you could go online and scour the internet, and have your pick of 80’s style clothes available anywhere in the world. But the thrill of shopping for 80s clothes for sale cheap in the UK is incomparable:
- Firstly, you’ll always be assured that what you’re buying is the right fit. You’ll never need to wonder if it’s UK size or a foreign fit. No need to refer to complex size conversion charts to match your size with what’s advertised online
- Then there’s the matter of urgency. If you’re planning on an 80’s style fancy dress party next weekend, you can’t expect something to be shipped out in time from the US or half way across the globe – unless you pay huge shipping charges. You could easily take a trip to your local vintage store and get 80s clothes for sale cheap at a UK store
- And then there’s the matter of fit and likes. What if you did source your 80’s style outfits from another country. Once it arrived, you try it out and notice the UK size they promised isn’t exactly what you thought you were buying. And that shade of pink – it isn’t at all like what you saw on the website. It won’t match with the rest of your outfit! You could follow the return policy – but that’s not the same as walking down the street and handing it over for a replacement that fits perfectly!
Locating 80s clothes for sale cheap in the UK isn’t as hard as you may think. All it takes is a little time, and some patience, and you can find exactly what you need – both online and in stores nearby where you live, work or shop.
All outfits described here are UK size unless otherwise specified. The item descriptions and prices can change at any time without notice. Any promotional offers for purchase of 80s clothes for sale cheap at our UK stores are subject to availability and quantity limitations. All rights reserved to change terms and conditions of the offers presented here. Our international clients must be aware that all our UK size outfits are priced in UK-£ and do not take into account currency conversion or exchange rate differentials.